» TUNE UP 2009 RELEASE..!!
Tips Trik Komputer on 2008-11-23

You may even have already become fanatical fans of the software this one. All the software in One. Compared with software menawaekan similar features similar. Tune Up to provide a friendly interface for the user. Now Tune Up 2009 has been present with the final version.

Comparing with the Tune Up 2008, features Tune Up 2009 is not much different, but there are a few additional features, namely Tune Up Speed Optimizer, Tune Up System Status and Tune Up Sortcut Cleaner. Tune Up Speed Optimizer interface, which offers quite understand the user with a quick facility Optimize and Performance Advisors, which is useful to improve the performance of our computer or network connection us. Tune Up System Status also attend the show every problem faced by the computer. Similarly, with Tune Up Sortcut Cleaner can remove the icon sortcut that we were not used after uninstalling a program. Tune Up in 2009 actually not much different Tune Up 2008, but no salahnnya if you try.

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3 Respones to "TUNE UP 2009 RELEASE..!!"
nanti deh dicoba kalo udah di donlot..:p
December 1, 2008 at 10:10 AM
punya crackannya ga?
December 7, 2008 at 5:55 PM
@Jkool : Sudah Ada Di Paket Tune Up
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